Producers: Aniplex,A-1 pictures,Half H.P Studio,Aniplex Of America
Genres: Comedy,Slice Of Life
Fansub: awsub
Translator: Hebbi Deryansah
TLC: Rodeon
Uploader: John Hawk.
720p : MC
Anime tentang staff di bagian kesehatan dan kesejahteraan kantor di sebuah kota. Karyawan baru Hasebe Yutaka, Yamagami, Miyoshi Saya, dan supervisor baru Ichimiya Taishi melewati keanehan dalam pekerjaan di kantor mereka.
Anime of the staff at the health and well-being in a city office. New employees Hasebe Yutaka, Yamagami, Miyoshi I, and the new supervisor Ichimiya Taishi passed weirdness at work in their offices.
480p : MC 720p : MC
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-_-baingat dingsanaklah -_-
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